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CURRENT SERIES: Ruth: God's Compassion for the Broken

Jesus said in John 5:39-40 that all Scripture, including Hebrew Scripture, bears witness about Him. Come and glean from the Book of Ruth as we witness a multitude of foreshadows of our compassionate Savior. Together, we will see the loyal love of Ruth as she cares for her broken-hearted mother-in-law, Naomi. We will also see Boaz, a precursor to Christ, displaying exceptional love and care for Ruth. This book points us to our Savior, who displayed a redemptive love for us that we don’t deserve. Join us throughout May to hear all about God’s compassion for the broken.

May 5 - Loyal Love (Ruth 1)

May 12 - Unexpected Kindness (Ruth 2)

May 19 - In Need of a Redeemer (Ruth 3)

May 26 - Sweet Redemption (Ruth 4) 

PREVIOUS SERIES: Unpacking the Greatest Gift

At first glance, the Hebrew prophets often seem occupied with brimstone and condemnation, but a closer look reveals the tender heart of God calling His people from reckless living and into His arms of blessing. Join us as we study the book of Hosea. 

January 7 - Why Study Prophecy? (2 Timothy 3:16-17) [Discussion Questions]

January 14 - Strong but Wrong (2 Kings 14:23-29) [Discussion Questions]

January 21 - Infidelity & Implications (Hosea 1) [Discussion Questions]

January 28 - Ruin & Restoration (Hosea 2:1-15) [Discussion Questions]

February 4 - Empathy & Object Lesson (Hosea 2:16-3:5) [Discussion Questions]

February 11 - Confrontation (Hosea 4) [Discussion Questions]

February 18 - Discipline (Hosea 5) [Discussion Questions]

February 25 - Called to Repent (Hosea 6) [Discussion Questions]

March 3 - All the Wrong Places (Hosea 7) [Discussion Questions]

March 10 - Reluctant Punishment (Hosea 8) [Discussion Questions]

March 17 - The Day Has Come (Hosea 9) [Discussion Questions]

March 24 - Time to Seek the Lord (Hosea 10) [Discussion Questions]

March 31 - EASTER - The Tenderness of God (Hosea 11) [Discussion Questions]

April 7 - Poorly Rich (Hosea 12) [Discussion Questions]

April 14 - Proudly Rich (Hosea 13) [Discussion Questions]

April 21 - Whoever is Listening (Hosea 14) [Discussion Questions]

April 28 - House of Figs (Mark 11:12-20) [Discussion Questions]

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